Microblog: Scratch your own itch

Mark Vletter
20 november 2015
Clock 0 min
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This is the first microblog in a series of microblogs in which I present some of my views on work, entrepreneurship and building a company.

Scratch your own itch

The best companies are build around problems that the founders wanted solved. Google, IBM, Facebook, Apple; they all started off building stuff they wanted to use themselves.

With startups being ‘hip’ I see a lot of ‘Airbnb for bikes’, ‘Spotify for audio books’ and ‘Tinder for cats’ companies popping up. If you are not a bike-riding, audiobook-listening, cat-loving entrepreneur; stop building stuff like that.

Find big problems that you are passionate about and that need solving. And if the product in the realm you love is great already, find something else.

If you want to be very successful and build a great company,
build a company by scratching your own itch. Tweet this quote

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